Friday, November 21, 2008

Reduce the size of a wav file

.wav files are usually big in size, and it comes in to problem when you wanted it to use in some interactive systems, like the voice interaction software or IVRs.

today i found a very handy way to reduce the size of the wave file with out using any third party software. windows has a tool called sound recorder ( Programs>accessories>entertainment>Sound Recorder ) or sndrec32.exe ( type it in Run window )

To reduce the file size or change the attribute of your .WAV file, you can go to file>properties> and click to the convert now button. this will open up a new window

from there you can select the target format, there are a variety of target formats which allows you to convert your WAV files in to 1/10th of the actual size.

Choose your desired format by looking the KBs/second( which is displayed at the right side of each entry).

Display line numbers in vi editor

To display line numbers in vi editor by giving the command

:set nu or :se number

to disable the line numbers, give the command

: set nonumber